My name is Audrey Wu and my story starts almost a decade ago going back to when I was living in Tokyo, Japan. After finishing college in Taiwan, I had a passion for jewelry and improve my craft in Tokyo, Japan. As Tokyo is one of the biggest international cities in Asia, this seemed like a smart move. The most difficult part of this move was learning the language.
After moving to Tokyo, I immediately enrolled in a Japanese language school and it was there that I wound up meeting my future husband, Jonathan. After a year of Japanese study and 2 more years of Jewelry Design advanced courses, I finally got a job at a Japanese high-end Jewelry company making custom wedding and engagement rings of customers.
While I thoroughly enjoyed making jewelry for several years, I felt that there was more to do then make rings year after year. So, when Jonathan was offered a chance to relocate to San Francisco, California, I was extremely happy to make the move with him.
Now that I was in the United States, I had a new obstacle to overcome - learning English. While I had studied English during high school in Taiwan, I was a far cry away from using it confidently in daily conversation. As such, I joined a local English language school in the city and studied there for 5 days a week for nearly a year and a half.
As my studies reached an end, I suddenly had a significant amount of free time to explore new options. It was then that I was introduced to needlepoint.
After a few months of stitching and painting other peoples' canvases, I decided to open up my business to share some of my designs. And that was the day AudreyWu designs came to be. Since then, I have been blessed to be surrounded by many amazing people and am fortunate each day to be able to paint and share my canvases with the world~